Digital Photography & Imaging

03.04.2023- 08.05.2023 / Week1- Week4
Chai Wan Sin / 0363470
Digital Photography and Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 1 / Exercises


Week 1

  • We received a quick introduction to composition research from Mr Fauzi.
  • By practising composition, we can eventually apply these concepts to our daily lives or design work
  • The following assignment required us to select three of our favourite graphic design composition work from Pinterest.
  • Describe what the graphic design composition works want to convey to the reader and explain why do I like the designs.

Week 2

1. The Basic of Composition 

  • Focal Point: A key element to any good composition, as it helps your viewers' eyes naturally settle on the important pieces of your design first.
  • Scale & Hierarchy: Scale is often used to help communicate hierarchy by drawing attention forward and away from certain elements.
  • Balance The Elements: Mastering asymmetrical balance is to think of each element as having a 'weight' to it. Smaller object might 'weight' less than larger objects, and heavily textured elements might 'weight' more than flatly colored elements.
  • White Space: Mostly known as "empty space" to balance up the main focus of a composition. Help boost your design's clarity and overall look by balancing out the more complicated.

Figure 1.1: Example of White Space
Figure 1.2: Example of White Space
2. Rule of Thirds

  • The process of dividing an image into thirds using two horizontal and two vertical lines.
  • This imaginary grid yields nine parts with four intersection points.

Figure 1.3: Rules of Third, Week 2 (10.04.2023)

  • When you position the most important elements of your image at these intersection points, you produce a much more natural image. 
  • It is also suggested that any horizon is placed on either the top horizontal line or bottom horizontal line.


  • Use composition techniques that are in line with what's naturally pleasing to the eye.
  • Creatively use negative space.
  • Create conversation between the subject and background.

3. Golden Ratio

  • A mathematical ratio.
  • It is commonly found in nature, and when used in a design, it fosters organic and natural- looking compositions that are aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Figure 1.4: Golden Ratio, Week 2 (10.04.2023)

  • The Gold Ratio boils down to aesthetics- creating and appreciating a sense of beauty through harmony and proportion.
  • When applied to design, the Golden Ratio provides a sense of artistry.
  • The Golden Ratio is a useful guideline for determining dimensions of the layout.
  • The Golden Ratio is to set your dimensions to 1:1.618.

Figure 1.5: Example of The Golden Ratio

4. Composition [Framing & Cropping]

Week 3

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop 2023

1. Lasso Tool:

  • Allow to draw and pinpoint specific areas of a document. 
  • Three different tool option: Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso.
  • Similar to a pencil.

2. Pen Tool:

  • The most common option.
  • Add these points and the way you drag the tool as you create the points determines how they will look.
  • The fewer points, the smoother a path will be.

  • Variation of Pen Tool: 
  1. Straight line paths
  2. U shaped curves
  3. Simple S curves
  4. Complex S curves

3. Layering :

  • Different images stacked on top of each other.
  • Use layers for non- destructive editing.
  • Never destroyed the original image.

Week 4

4. Adjustment Layer :

  • In Photoshop are a group of a super useful, non- destructive image editing tools.
  • Can edit and discard your adjustments or restore your original image at any time.
  • Make your workflow in Photoshop more flexible and efficient, and is an absolute must- know.

  1. Brightness / Contrast: Makes adjustments to the tonal range of your images. Adjusting the highlights and the shadows.
  2. Level: Adjusting the levels of the shadows, midtowns, and highlights.
  3. Curves: Adjusting as many points as you want throughout the entire tonal range of your image. The most powerful and precise tool for editing the tones in an image.
  4. Exposure: Adjusting exposure levels with three sliders: Exposure, Offset and Gamma.
  5. Selective Color: Adjustment layer selectively modifies the amount of a primary color without modifying the other primary colours.
5. Filters :

  • Edit photos is an essential element of Adobe's graphics editor.
  • Change colour, add blur or create completely new image effects.


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<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>



  • List down three favourite graphic design composition work from Pinterest.
  • Explain why do you like the designs on the E-portfolio blog.

Project 1

Project 1A: Physical Collage

  • In order to practise compositions without utilising digital tools, we are making collages physically.
  • I experimented with collage using some magazine cutouts.

Figure 2.2: Third Attempt of Physical Collage
Figure 2.1: Second Attempt of Physical Collage

  • Mr Fauzi select the first collage.
Figure 2.3: First Attempt of Physical Collage

Project 1B: Digital
